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Budget Bootcamp: Crisis Edition!

Nearly 60 percent of Americans say the Coronavirus has had a negative impact on their finances, according to a survey by the National Financial Educators Council. Over 40 percent of them are more concerned about their personal finances than they are about contracting COVID-19.*


Whether you have a current budget you’re working with or not, finances change, habits change, and often, needs change when in Crisis. We Panic. We Horde.  We Spend.

As this Crisis hits, what are the best strategies to ease the lack of control we feel?


How do we best stretch what we have and possibly even to save more during these times?

Each attendee will leave with real tools and an understanding how to:


  • Create and Implement a usable and purposeful budget starting TODAY

  • Connect, stress-free, with “normal” spending/savings habits and re-prioritize

  • Easy methods for conscientious spending plans when spending remotely

  • A sense of control and rewards for good money habits

  • Build/Maintain a strategy for paying off Debt, building an Emergency Fund, and funding your Future by redirecting finances.

  • Diversify and be Prepared for Emergencies and “Just Bad Timing”

  • Obtain Resources for further help with: Stimulus Checks, PPP, Student/Credit Card Debt, Credit Score, Mortgage/Rent Deferments, Tax Filing Extensions,

* March 30, 2020

Length - 1 Hour via Zoom

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How Money Works 101: What They Didn't Teach Us in School

Prepare yourself by stepping into 2020 with a HEALTHIER understanding of lessons they didn’t teach us in school. You WILL learn a few financial fundamentals and ensure your finances are in shape to end the year strong and mindfully.

Tax Now? Tax Later? Tax Never!

(How to keep more than you’re giving Uncle Sam!)


Understanding the Power of Compound Interest

(I’ve heard of that, but what is it?)

Dealing with Student Loans, Credit Card Debt

(How do I raise my credit score?)

Understanding the Different Financial Strategies: TSP, Roth, Pension?

(but I don’t like risk!Aha! we have a lesson for that!)

Length - 1 Hour

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How Money Works for Women 101




  • Women cannot break glass ceilings while our heads are buried in the sand about money

  • Marriage is NOT a retirement plan!


SO, we MUST…

  • Understand the basics:

  1. Taxes!  (How and where to pay less of them)

  2. Interest (Compound vs. Simple can make you rich!)

  3. Risk Tolerance and the choices you have for investing/saving

  4. Debt (And did you know that women carry 66% of all credit card debt in USA?)

Embrace your lifestyle and:

  • Honor what is important to you and build a spending strategy around those truths!

  • Learn how to live within it.   

  • Get rid of your Fear and Shame about money!

  • Don’t Look Back!  The BEST time to learn this is today! 

  • Dispel the rumor that Women don’t know how to manage money…

Length - 1 Hour

Stock Market Chart

Understanding the Stock Market 101

We’re all invested in it but very few know HOW the Market works. 


Often, out of fear, we do nothing. Take the mystery out of investing through a basic Stock Market education.

  • Risk

  • Stocks vs. Bonds

  • What makes an “Aggressive” Investment and what makes a “Conservative” one?

  • Mutual Funds vs. Money Market Funds

  • What are ETF’s?

  • Bull vs. Bear Markets

Length - 1 Hour

Credit Card

Budgeting Workshop

The word “Budget” feels like a punishment! Immediately we feel like we have to give up our pleasures.

At Financial Fitness School we believe in embracing what you enjoy in life and acknowledging what is financially important to YOU! Your budget is built around those truths.

Each attendee will leave with real tools and an understanding as to how to:

  • Implement a budget

  • Connect stress-free with your spending/savings habits

  • Easy methods for conscientious spending plans

  • A sense of control and rewards for good money habits

  • Build a strategy for paying off Debt, building an Emergency Fund, and funding your Future… all at the same time!

Length - 1 Hour

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Financial Fitness Begins with a Good Credit Score

The Big Benefits of a Good Credit Score


Think about Couple A, looking to buy their first house. After reviewing their options, they chose to go with a 30-year mortgage loan. Their FICO credit scores are 740, a good rating which qualifies them for a mortgage with a low 4.5% interest rate.  On $500,000 loan, they will pay an additional $412,000 in interest over 30 years.

But now Couple B wants the same loan! However, their FICO credit scores are 580, putting them in a POOR credit rating.  The same $500,000 loan was offered to them, but the interest rate is going to be 7.5%, and the cost of their interest over 30 years will be $758,500!

Same loan. That 3 point difference will cost couple B $346,500 MORE IN INTEREST! 

  • Why Your FICO score matters

  • Strategies for improving your credit score

  • Build a game plan for paying off debt

Length - 1 Hour

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